Thursday, May 12, 2016

blue ticket--beastly

I looked up 'you' in the dictionary and it said beastly
Deciding that, that didn't quite describe you right I looked up beastly in the dictionary too.
It says you are 'very unpleasant'
You have synonyms of vile and hateful and if you used you in a sentence it would say
'This beastly war'
I don't know if this war is between me and you or you and your beast.
And if it is you and the beast then it's probably because you are too much a like.
Like when a father and his daughter are too alike so they fight all the time for all the same reasons and with all the same tones of voice.
There is a word for each letter that defines and changes you
B is for blunt because blunt dull knives are the ones that cut the deepest and fastest
E is for every opportunity that you let slide past you.
A- although E is also for your eyes because it's your eyes that once showed blue with hope and love
S is for shutting people out when you aren't ready to shut people out
T- timing thought to take time throughout the time to talk to think.
LY bc I can't tell you how many lies you've told.
I hate to go all Miley Cyrus on you and say the '7 things' I like too.
But I don't hate you.
It's just harder to love someone
When their eyes no longer show blue but glow red
I wouldn't worry to much.

did you ever see beauty and the beast?
-it's the second definition of you

I wouldn't want to spoil the movie... but I'll give you a hint.
(He turns into a prince in the end)

So yes. You have a beast inside of you.

but there's a prince too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. No one could've done it better. This is phenomenal
