long story short... it ends and begins with an embarrassing moment. there are two bird poops, they're out to get me.
short story long.... i needed an embarrassing moment for young womens and shortly after i realized i needed one... i got it. i was in the bathroom and there was a small window with a screen. lets just say this bird had perfect aim... he pooped on me when i was inside. and since the screen was full of tiny holes it splattered everywhere. on the walls, on the tub, toilet, sink and me head to toe. skilled bird right there. fast forward to a football game this year. someone brings birds to the game to let go at a touchdown, i learned a new fact about birds that day... they let go of whats inside of them so they can get higher in the sky. and it landed on me. thanks birds for the great time and embarrassing moments. they were timed perfect. that is why they aren't my favorite animals...
and even tho its weird... they did give us an answer to our problems... in times of trouble.. let it go, and you will fly higher than you were before.
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