Monday, February 15, 2016

ode to hats

I apologize for being late on my blog posts all the time. every time i even think about writing a blog post or in my journal my stomach wants to vomit. and the rest of my body agrees.

"I just met this girl! She wears a hat full of... air!" 
"Do you mean she puts on 'airs'?"
"I guess so." 
"Thats just fancy talk. If you want to be fancy,
 hold your pinky up like this! 
The higher you hold it, the fancier you are!"

im a sun hat.
i sit on your sandy hair,
and smell the salty air. 

im a ball cap. 
i watch baseball all day,
and dont listen to what the refs have to say.

im a visor.
i block the sun from your eyes,
but your heads still hot.

im a hat. 
no matter what kind of hat i am. im always covering up something. whether its the sun from your eyes or the greasy hair that you just cant wash yet. 
but hats are good.
they are the best of friends. 
so tip your hats and thank your hats.
to the hats.


  1. the first part, totally know how you feel and the part about baseball, made me laugh

  2. don't be scurrrrrrrrred
